Scheduled Trail Maintenance For 2021

As we get closer to the warmer months, the city has scheduled several tentative projects to improve Ute Valley Park. As of now, we are still limited to 9 volunteers and 1 crew leader per group. If we need to, for a larger group, we can make multiple, distinct working groups, doing different projects in different areas.
The tentatively scheduled projects are as follows:
- Reroute winding woods south, where we put our drains in last year.
- Closure of rogue trails going up to rattlesnake ridge. This would also close off the largest undisturbed natural area in the park.
- Closure of rogue trails that come off the new Regional Trail.
- One project that will hopefully get completed this year by an Eagle Scout is the closure of the “Creek Trail” as that is our last trail that transverses through the 40 acre undisturbed natural area we created two summers ago.
Stay tuned for more information about future projects happening in the park and upcoming volunteer days, which should begin in April!